Ministerial Order on the approval of the regulation of the legal entity under public law – the Innovation and Technology Agency of Georgia

The Order approves the Statue of the Innovation and Technology Agency of Georgia. The first article of the document defines the legal form, guiding documents and requisites of the Agency.

The second article of the document outlines its goals and functions. The core goals of the entity which along with other sectors are important for the field of cultural heritage are: a) coordination of the process of creation and development of the innovative ecosystem in Georgia; b) promotion and coordination of the implementation process of the unified policy and strategy of the country’s innovations and technologies; c) formation of services, tools, programs and infrastructural projects by the private and public sector for commercialization of knowledge, innovation and research results and promotion of innovative entrepreneurship; d) promoting and coordinating the implementation of the state unified policy of projects and programs promoting the formation of the information society, promoting the penetration of information and communication technologies and innovations in all areas, and increasing the efficiency of use; e) promoting the development of export-oriented innovations and technologies, innovative information technology products and services, including export programming; f) participation in targeted programs and projects planned for the development of high-speed Internet and increasing the efficiency of Internet use;

The same article contains a listing of Agency activities, which include measures for stimulation of the introduction of new technologies in both state and private sectors, support of cooperation of academic and business sectors, development of innovational laboratories and incubators, development of creative industries, support of development and use of high-speed internet and other electronic services. The field of Cultural Heritage can benefit from all the above-listed actions.

Article 3, 4 and 5 set the structure and governance of the Agency, while those #6, 7, 8 the control, funding and reporting mechanisms.

Overall the Agency may play significant positive role in the development of innovation and widening the use of technological tools in cultural heritage,

საჯარო სამართლის იურიდიული პირის – საქართველოს ინოვაციების და ტექნოლოგიების სააგენტოს დებულების დამტკიცების შესახებ

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Legislative Herald of Georgia
Cultural Property, Armed conflict
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