Microscopia e Microanálise no Estudo de Pedras Ornamentais Carbonatadas

The article discusses the challenges faced by European countries in the production and export of Ornamental Stone due to the increasing competitiveness of emerging economies. To enhance the value of their products, these countries need to incorporate technology. The use of microscopy and microanalysis techniques is highlighted through three cases, showcasing how they can help anticipate and understand the behaviour of rocks under various climatic conditions. These methodologies are applicable to new construction rocks and heritage objects, aiding in their characterisation, valorisation, and conservation.

The competitive landscape, with countries like China, Brazil, and Turkey excelling in Ornamental Stones, emphasises the need for Italy, Portugal, and Spain to add value to their products. Understanding and predicting the future behavior of materials is crucial, especially given the complex and heterogeneous nature of rocks. Microscopy and microanalysis techniques play a vital role in comprehending the nature of materials and how they change over time.

The article also delves into the importance of adhering to standards, particularly in new construction projects where procedures must comply with regulations. Additionally, the study of heritage objects, such as the biomicrite limestone Pietra Cantone in Sardinia, Italy, underscores the significance of petrographic analysis in preserving cultural heritage.

Heritage Preservation
Luís Dias, Luís Lopes, Fabio Sitzia, José Mirão, Carla Lisci
Limestone, Heritage objects, Conservation, Preservation, Buildings, Ornamental Stone
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