Metodický pokyn pro vedení „Seznamu nemateriálních statků tradiční lidové kultury České republiky“ (Methodological instruction for maintaining the “List of Intangible Assets of Traditional Folk Culture of the Czech Republic”)

Although called “methodological instructions”, the document provides binding rules for maintaining the List of Intangible Elements of Traditional Folk Culture in the Czech Republic. This list complies with the requirement of the UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, which in Articles 11 and 12 requires the States Parties to inventory intangible cultural heritage in their territories. By the Ministry of Culture, intangible cultural heritage (ICH) is understood and safeguarded in a narrowed sense as traditional folk culture (TFC).
The document defines all actors that can nominate elements to the list and institutions responsible for its management and updating, including the Ministry of Culture, the National Council for Traditional Folk Culture, and the National Institute of Folk Culture.
It defines what an “intangible element of traditional folk culture” is and describes in detail the entire nomination procedure including the timetable, the role of expert evaluators and the conditions of an inscription. Registration in the list, periodical updating of the records, and designation of the element as endangered or extinct are also described.
A nomination form is annexed but placed on the website of the Ministry of Culture separately, together with the already inscribed elements. The documents as well as the records of individual elements listed can also be found on the websites and

Heritage Preservation
Ministry of Culture, Czechia
Intangible Cultural Heritage, role of different actors, regulations
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