Memorandum of Understanding between the Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Malta for Cooperation in the Fields of Protection, Preservation, Promotion and Management Art

The MoU establishes a cooperation between the Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage (INTACH) and the former Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Malta (MFA), that is the current Ministry for Foreign and European Affairs and Trade.
The parties identified the following areas of cooperation: a) Conferences, seminars and workshops; b) Skills development; c) Development of standards and guidelines; d) Sharing best practices on preservation and conservation, results from examination of the role of conservation in community revitalisation and the development of key tools; e) Meetings; f) Educational initiatives; g) New areas of cooperation.
In addition, the MoU provides for clauses on protection of intellectual property rights, implementation, collaboration with other institutions, visibility, settlement of disputes and duration.
The parties agreed to enforce property rights in accordance with national regulations and international agreements and to commit to the implementation of the MoU clauses. The parties are allowed to involve third parties, public or private, for the implementation of the MoU and they commit to “disseminate and disclose” the activities carried out within the framework of the MoU and to advertise them.
Disputes are to be settled through negotiation and consultation, with no resort to third parties or international courts.
Concerning duration, the MoU entered into force upon signature and will be valid until one of the parties express differently, in that case termination will follow after a six-month period of notice and undergoing joint activities shall be completed.

International Cultural Relations
Maltese Ministry for Foreign and European Affairs and Trade
Cultural cooperation, Cultural Heritage, Best Practices, Development
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