Manual de Recomendaciones Politicas – GreenHeritage

Discover the innovative initiative of the European project GreenHeritage, launched in December 2022, which aims to tackle the profound impacts of climate change on Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH). This project sets out to develop a comprehensive and integrative approach that addresses both the direct and indirect consequences of climate change on Europe’s cultural heritage.

GreenHeritage focuses on pioneering holistic methodologies and tools designed to foster adaptive and systemic responses to climate challenges affecting ICH. By promoting innovative strategies, the project seeks to enhance the resilience and sustainability of cultural traditions and practices in the face of evolving environmental conditions.

One of the key objectives of GreenHeritage is to underscore the urgency of climate change as a pervasive threat that affects all facets of European heritage. Through proactive measures and collaborative efforts, involving communities, researchers, and policymakers, the project aims to mitigate risks and ensure the continuity of cultural diversity across Europe.

The project highlights the critical role of adaptive management practices in safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage. By integrating climate adaptation strategies into heritage management frameworks, GreenHeritage aims to preserve and transmit cultural identities and practices effectively.

Ultimately, GreenHeritage strives to establish a robust framework that integrates climate resilience into the preservation and management of European cultural heritage. This initiative serves as a pivotal step towards securing the vitality and longevity of Intangible Cultural Heritage amidst the challenges posed by climate change.

This brief resumes the most important recommendations that have emreged from the programme, addressing various stakeholders and covering ample range of the topics – from the legislation and education to tourism and community participation.

Green Transition
Green policies, Intangible Cultural Heritage, Policy Recommendations
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