LOI n° 2019-1100 du 30 octobre 2019 relative à la création du Centre national de la musique

A new legislation has created the Centre national de la musique, a public institution that operates under the tutelage of the French Minister of Culture. The law aims to support and promote the diversity of music and cultural expression through live performances and recordings, as well as protect and guarantee the dignity of all repertoires and cultural rights.

The Centre will support the entire music industry in all its practices and components, including writing, interpretation, production, distribution, and promotion of music and varieties of all forms. In addition, this law abrogates article 30 of the law no 2002-5, which is related to the museums of France. This new legislation promises to have a significant impact on France’s rich cultural heritage. The creation of the Centre, which will operate in permanent consultation with the sector, will ensure that the country’s music and diversity of cultural expressions continue to thrive and expand. It will help safeguard the dignity of different repertoires and cultural rights, providing invaluable support and promoting diversity at all levels, from national to territorial.

The Centre will not only support the music industry, but also contribute to the preservation of France’s heritage for future generations. This is a significant development that will further reinforce France’s global position as a leader in arts and culture, and establish the country as an excellent destination for music lovers and enthusiasts of cultural expression of all kinds.

Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility
French Ministry of Culture
Centre national de la musique, Cultural centres, Cultural expression, Diversity, cultural diversity, Performance, Recordings, Rights, Music, Cultural Promotion, Cultural Heritage, Arts, Performing Arts, Cultural Heritage Preservation, Culture Preservation, Preservation, Public access, Accessibility
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