Loi fédérale sur les musées et les collections de la Confédération (Federal law on museums and collections of the Confederation)

The Swiss law on museums and collections of the Confederation, titled “Loi fédérale sur les musées et les collections de la Confédération (LMCC),” is designed to establish a legal framework for the management, preservation, and promotion of federal museums and collections. The primary purpose of this law is to ensure the sustainable operation and accessibility of these cultural institutions.

Main themes of the LMCC include the strategic organisation of federal museums, the conservation of collections, and the promotion of public engagement with cultural heritage. The law mandates clear governance structures for museums, outlining the roles and responsibilities of federal authorities in managing these institutions.
Key points in the document address the standards for collection care, including acquisition, documentation, conservation, and restoration practices. The law also emphasises the importance of making collections accessible to the public, both physically and digitally, to enhance educational and cultural outreach.

The law stipulates that federal museums must actively engage in cultural exchange and cooperation with other institutions, both nationally and internationally. This fosters a dynamic cultural environment and promotes Switzerland’s cultural heritage on a global stage.

Findings in the document highlight the vital role of museums in preserving cultural heritage and contributing to national identity. It concludes that well-managed museums and collections enhance public knowledge, support research, and stimulate cultural tourism, thereby benefiting the broader economy.

The impact on cultural heritage is significant, as the LMCC ensures that cultural assets are preserved for future generations while promoting their accessibility and educational value. By setting high standards for museum management and encouraging public engagement, the law plays a crucial role in maintaining and celebrating Switzerland’s rich cultural heritage.

Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility
Fedlex – La plateforme de publication du droit fédéral
German, French, Italian
Heritage Management, Cultural Heritage Preservation, Museums, Cultural institutions, Public Engagement, Accessibility, Heritage transmission
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