Loi fédérale sur le transfert international des biens culturels (Federal Act on the International Transfer of Cultural Property)

The Swiss law on the International Transfer of Cultural Property regulates the transfer of cultural property to prevent illegal trade and ensure the preservation of cultural heritage.

The main themes of the law include the protection of cultural property, the prevention of illicit trafficking, and the promotion of international cooperation. It establishes guidelines for the lawful acquisition and transfer of cultural items, ensuring they are preserved and protected.

Key points of the document involve the requirement for thorough documentation and proof of lawful ownership when transferring cultural property. The law also outlines penalties for non-compliance and illegal activities related to cultural property, providing a robust legal framework to deter illicit trade.

Significant findings indicate that proper regulation and control are essential for safeguarding cultural heritage. The law underscores the importance of international agreements and cooperation in combating illegal trafficking and ensuring cultural property is returned to its rightful owners.

The impact on cultural heritage is substantial as it provides mechanisms to preserve and protect cultural assets, ensuring they remain part of the national and global heritage. By regulating the transfer and promoting the return of cultural property, the law helps maintain cultural continuity and respect for cultural diversity.

In conclusion, this law is pivotal in protecting cultural heritage by establishing clear rules and penalties for the transfer of cultural property. It emphasises the importance of legal compliance and international collaboration in preserving cultural assets for future generations.

Heritage Preservation, International Cultural Relations
Fedlex – La plateforme de publication du droit fédéral
Assemblée fédérale de la Confédération suisse
German, French, Italian, English
Illicit Trafficking, Cultural Heritage Preservation, International Cooperation, Acquisition, International agreements
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