Loi du 28 mars 1986 autorisant le Gouvernement à procéder au réaménagement de l’ancien hospice St Jean à Luxembourg-Grund pour les besoins du musée d’histoire naturelle

This legislation focuses on the renovation and repurposing of the former St Jean hospice in Luxembourg-Grund to establish a museum of natural history. The law authorises the government to proceed with the transformation of the hospice, including the necessary infrastructure and equipment for the museum. It outlines specific budgetary constraints and funding mechanisms to ensure the project’s financial sustainability.

The document emphasises the importance of preserving cultural heritage through the adaptive reuse of historical buildings for educational and public benefit. By repurposing the hospice into a museum, the legislation aims to enhance public access to natural history collections and promote scientific knowledge and research. The budgetary limitations set in place underscore the government’s commitment to responsible financial management while investing in cultural infrastructure.

Furthermore, the legislation highlights the collaborative efforts between government ministries, such as Culture and Finance, to execute the renovation project effectively. The involvement of multiple stakeholders demonstrates a coordinated approach to heritage conservation and museum development. Overall, this legislative initiative not only addresses the physical transformation of a historic site but also underscores the broader societal value of preserving and showcasing natural history for current and future generations.

Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility
Gouvernement du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
Museum, Museum of Natural History, Transformation, Reuse, Historical Buildings, Historic Buildings, Cultural Heritage, Heritage Conservation, Conservation, Heritage Preservation, Preservation
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