Loi du 27 novembre 2015 modifiant la loi modifiée du 9 janvier 1998 portant transposition de la directive 93/7/CEE du 15 mars 1993

This legislation focuses on the restitution of cultural property that has been illicitly removed from the territory of a European Union member state. It addresses the transposition of EU directives related to the return of such cultural items and the technical specifications for public infrastructure supporting electric mobility. The document outlines the responsibilities of distribution network managers and sets conditions for fair compensation in cases of cultural property restitution. It also includes provisions for the exchange of information between competent authorities and the definition of public collections under the law.

The legislation emphasises the importance of upholding cultural heritage by ensuring the return of unlawfully removed cultural items to their countries of origin. By implementing EU directives on cultural property restitution, it aims to strengthen cooperation among member states in protecting and preserving cultural heritage. The technical specifications for public infrastructure linked to electric mobility underscore the commitment to sustainable and environmentally friendly transportation solutions. The document’s provisions on information exchange and the definition of public collections contribute to enhancing transparency and accountability in cultural property management.

Overall, this legislation plays a crucial role in safeguarding cultural heritage, promoting sustainable mobility practices, and fostering international cooperation in the field of cultural property restitution. It underscores the significance of respecting the cultural heritage of nations and the need for collaborative efforts to combat illicit trafficking of cultural items. The document’s provisions serve as a framework for ensuring the ethical and legal return of cultural property, contributing to the preservation and appreciation of diverse cultural heritage across European Union member states.

Green Transition, Heritage Preservation, International Cultural Relations
Gouvernement du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
European Union, Cultural Property, Restitution, Cultural Heritage, Artefacts, unlawfully removed, Collections, Public access, Cooperation, International Cooperation, Sustainable practices
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