Loi du 25 avril 2018 relative à la gestion collective des droits d’auteur et des droits voisins et l’octroi de licences multiterritoriales de droits sur des œuvres musicales en vue de leur utilisation en ligne dans le marché intérieur et portant modification de la loi modifiée du 18 avril 2001 sur les droits d’auteur, les droits voisins et les bases de données

This legislation from Luxembourg focuses on the collective management of copyright and neighbouring rights, as well as the issuance of multi territorial licences for online use of musical works within the internal market. It introduces requirements for collective management organisations to report on their governance structure, financial information, and relationships with other entities. The law mandates that these organisations obtain authorization and approval from the relevant ministry, with strict criteria for eligibility and renewal.

One of the key aspects of this legislation is the emphasis on transparency and accountability in the management of rights and distribution of revenues to rights holders. It sets out clear guidelines for the affiliation of members, ensuring fair representation and communication of rights and conditions. Additionally, the law stipulates that collective management organisations must provide detailed reports on their financial activities, including revenue sources, deductions, and payments to other entities.

By requiring collective management organisations to adhere to specific standards and procedures, this legislation aims to enhance the efficiency and fairness of copyright management in Luxembourg. It seeks to protect the rights of creators and rights holders while promoting a more transparent and sustainable ecosystem for the management of intellectual property. Overall, this law plays a crucial role in shaping the heritage landscape by safeguarding the interests of cultural creators and ensuring the proper administration of copyright and neighbouring rights.

Heritage Preservation
Gouvernement du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
Copyright, Copyright Law, Neighbouring rights, Music, Art Market, Collective management, Intellectual Property Rights
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