Loi du 24 juillet 2001 portant création d’un établissement public nommé «Centre Culturel de Rencontre Abbaye de Neumünster»

This legislation establishes a public institution aimed at preserving and promoting cultural heritage through the creation of the “Centre Culturel de Rencontre Abbaye de Neumünster.” The institution is tasked with developing a cultural and artistic hub centred around Luxembourg’s cultural identity and its interaction with other cultures. It serves as a platform for cultural exchange, hosting artists, facilitating collaborations, and organising events to engage both local and international audiences.

The law grants the institution legal autonomy and financial independence under the supervision of the Minister of Culture. It outlines the institution’s mission to support artistic and intellectual production, encourage cultural dialogue, and provide extensive cultural services to the public. Additionally, the legislation emphasises the importance of fostering connections between Luxembourg’s cultural stakeholders and foreign counterparts, promoting a diverse and inclusive cultural environment.

Furthermore, the legislation highlights the institution’s role in managing and utilising historical buildings, such as the Neumünster Abbey, for cultural purposes. It underscores the significance of heritage preservation and the promotion of cultural activities within these architectural landmarks. By facilitating artistic residencies, cultural events, and educational programs, the institution contributes to the preservation and revitalization of Luxembourg’s cultural heritage, ensuring its continued relevance and accessibility to future generations.

Heritage Preservation, International Cultural Relations
Gouvernement du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
Cultural Heritage, Public bodies, Public access, Public Space, Public spaces, Cultural Identity, Cultural exchange, Collaboration, Intercultural dialogue, Historical Buildings, Cultural Heritage Preservation, Culture Preservation, Heritage Preservation, Preservation, Cultural Activity, Accessibility
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