Loi du 24 avril 2016 portant approbation de la Convention pour la sauvegarde du patrimoine architectural de l’Europe ouverte à signature le 3 octobre 1985 à Grenade

This legislation focuses on the preservation and promotion of architectural heritage across Europe. It emphasises the importance of safeguarding historical buildings, sites, and monuments to maintain their cultural and historical significance. The document highlights the need for legal frameworks to protect architectural heritage, including the establishment of conservation policies and procedures.

Furthermore, the legislation stresses the significance of public participation and associations in heritage conservation efforts. It encourages collaboration between governmental bodies, cultural institutions, and the public to ensure effective preservation and management of architectural heritage. The document also underlines the importance of identifying and documenting heritage sites promptly in response to potential threats or risks.

Moreover, the legislation addresses the role of education and information in raising awareness about architectural heritage. It promotes the value of architectural heritage as a source of inspiration and creativity for present and future generations. Additionally, the document emphasises the use of traditional techniques and materials in heritage conservation to ensure the authenticity and sustainability of historical structures.

Overall, this legislation serves as a comprehensive framework for European countries to coordinate their efforts in protecting and promoting architectural heritage. By outlining specific commitments and guidelines, it aims to enhance the conservation, restoration, and management of architectural treasures for the benefit of society and future generations.

Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility, International Cultural Relations
Gouvernement du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
Council of Europe, Cultural Heritage, Heritage Preservation, Preservation, Culture Preservation, Cultural Heritage Preservation, Promoting cultural heritage, Heritage promotion, Architectural Heritage, Historical Buildings, Historic Buildings, Historical sites, Heritage Sites, Heritage Site, Monuments, Historical significance, Heritage Conservation, community involvement, Community Participation, Community engagement, cultural diversity, Risk Management
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