Loi du 22 mai 2008 portant adaptation du droit interne aux dispositions du Deuxième Protocole relatif à la Convention de La Haye de 1954 pour la protection des biens culturels en cas de conflit armé, signé à La Haye le 26 mars 1999

This legislation focuses on adapting internal laws to the Hague Convention’s provisions for protecting cultural heritage during armed conflicts. It outlines severe penalties, including imprisonment, for intentional violations of cultural property protection protocols. The document emphasises the importance of safeguarding cultural assets from destruction, theft, vandalism, or misuse during times of war.

One key aspect addressed in the legislation is the definition of actions that constitute violations of cultural property protection, such as attacking, using, destroying, or stealing culturally significant items. It also specifies the legal consequences for individuals found guilty of such offences, highlighting the gravity of these crimes. The document underscores the need for international cooperation in prosecuting offenders who commit these acts against cultural heritage.

Moreover, the legislation establishes procedures for prosecuting individuals accused of violating cultural property protection laws, even if they are not within the country’s jurisdiction. This provision aims to ensure accountability and justice for crimes against cultural heritage, regardless of the perpetrator’s location. By setting clear guidelines and penalties, the document seeks to deter and prevent the destruction and looting of valuable cultural assets, promoting respect for heritage worldwide.

Heritage Preservation, International Cultural Relations
Gouvernement du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
Hague Convention, Cultural Heritage, Heritage Preservation, Cultural Heritage Preservation, Preservation, Armed conflict, Penalties, cultural assets, Risk Management, Heritage destruction, Cultural Property, Cooperation, International Cooperation
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