Loi du 21 décembre 2017 concernant l’Institut grand-ducal

This legislation establishes the Grand-Ducal Institute and its sections, focusing on promoting research, artistic initiatives, and cultural heritage in Luxembourg. The Institute serves as a platform for scholars and artists to collaborate, exchange knowledge, and publish their works. Sections within the Institute, such as historical, scientific, linguistic, and artistic, operate as distinct entities with specific objectives and governance structures.

Membership in the sections is based on significant contributions to scientific, cultural, or artistic fields, fostering a community of experts in various domains. Financial resources are allocated by the Minister of Culture to support the Institute’s activities and ensure compliance with public funding regulations. The Institute and its sections are accountable for their financial management, submitting annual reports and budgets for review by the relevant authorities.

By encouraging research, cultural activities, and international collaborations, this legislation plays a crucial role in preserving and promoting Luxembourg’s heritage. It facilitates the dissemination of intellectual production, fosters interdisciplinary dialogue, and supports the advancement of knowledge in diverse fields. The establishment of the Grand-Ducal Institute underscores the country’s commitment to nurturing intellectual and artistic endeavours, contributing to the enrichment of its cultural legacy and heritage.

Heritage Preservation, International Cultural Relations
Gouvernement du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
Grand-Ducal Institute, Public bodies, Research, Artistic innovation, Cultural Heritage, Heritage promotion, Promoting cultural heritage, Collaboration, Knowledge, International Cooperation, Cultural Legacy, Cooperation
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