Loi du 20 juillet 2018 relative à la promotion de la langue luxembourgeoise

This legislation focuses on the promotion and preservation of the Luxembourgish language, emphasising its cultural significance and heritage value. It establishes key institutions like the Permanent Council for the Luxembourgish Language (CPLL) and the Luxembourgish Language Center to oversee language policies and implementation.

The law aims to strengthen the importance of the Luxembourgish language, support its use and study, encourage language learning, and promote cultural activities in Luxembourgish. One of the central aspects of the legislation is the creation of a comprehensive language policy that spans various government sectors. This policy includes guidelines for language promotion, education, and cultural initiatives to ensure the long-term vitality of the Luxembourgish language.

Additionally, the law introduces mechanisms for regular evaluation and revision of the language promotion strategies to adapt to evolving needs and challenges. The law also introduces the role of a Language Commissioner to spearhead language-related initiatives and propose action plans to the government. The Commissioner plays a crucial role in coordinating language promotion efforts and monitoring their effectiveness.

Furthermore, the legislation includes provisions for the recognition and celebration of achievements in Luxembourgish language promotion through the awarding of prizes, highlighting the importance of linguistic heritage in the country’s cultural landscape.

Heritage Preservation
Gouvernement du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
Language, National language, Luxembourgish language, Cultural Activity, Education, Promoting cultural heritage, Linguistic heritage, Linguistics
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