Loi du 18 février 2010 relative aux mesures d’achèvement du Musée de la Forteresse de Luxembourg dans le réduit du Fort Thüngen et de la mise en valeur de certaines parties de la forteresse de Luxembourg

This legislation focuses on the completion of the Museum of the Luxembourg Fortress and the enhancement of specific areas within the fortress. It authorises the government to finalise the museum’s construction and improve various fortress sections, including the Fort Thüngen and the Vauban cultural route.

The law aims to preserve and showcase Luxembourg’s historical heritage by implementing necessary architectural and museographic enhancements. The document outlines the allocated budget of 8,720,000 euros for the project, corresponding to the construction price index. It emphasises the importance of maintaining historical monuments and ensuring their cultural significance is preserved for future generations.

By detailing the specific works to be carried out, such as the museum’s museography and the enhancement of fortress areas, the legislation underscores the commitment to heritage conservation and public access to historical sites. Furthermore, the legislation highlights the responsibilities of government officials in executing the law and overseeing the project’s implementation. It underscores the collaborative efforts between governmental bodies and cultural institutions to safeguard Luxembourg’s historical legacy.

Overall, the legislation serves as a crucial framework for the strategic development and preservation of Luxembourg’s cultural heritage, promoting awareness and appreciation of the country’s historical significance.

Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility
Gouvernement du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
Museum, Museums, Historical heritage, Heritage Preservation, Preservation, Historical significance, Cultural significance, Monuments, Historical sites, Heritage Conservation, Conservation, Public access, Public Space, Public spaces, Cultural Heritage, Heritage
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