Loi du 17 janvier 1997 relative à la construction du Musée d’art moderne Grand-Duc Jean à Luxembourg-Kirchberg

This legislation addresses crucial aspects of heritage preservation and public interest in Luxembourg. It focuses on the construction of the Grand-Duc Jean Museum of Modern Art in Luxembourg-Kirchberg, emphasising the government’s authorization and financial limitations for the project. The law outlines the funding mechanisms through existing regulations to ensure the successful completion of the museum while maintaining public financial responsibility.

Furthermore, the legislation highlights the government’s commitment to supporting cultural heritage through the allocation of specific budgets and adherence to legal frameworks. It underscores the importance of balancing heritage conservation with financial prudence to guarantee the sustainability of heritage projects. By detailing the financial constraints and regulatory frameworks, the legislation aims to promote transparency and accountability in heritage construction initiatives.

Moreover, the regulations underscore the government’s role in overseeing the implementation of heritage projects, ensuring compliance with established laws and financial guidelines. The legislation’s provisions aim to streamline the construction process while safeguarding public resources and promoting the cultural significance of the museum. Overall, this legislation plays a pivotal role in shaping the heritage landscape of Luxembourg by providing a legal framework for the responsible development and preservation of cultural assets.

Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility
Gouvernement du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
Heritage Preservation, Cultural Heritage Preservation, Culture Preservation, Preservation, Museum, Museum of Modern Art, Artistic Heritage, Cultural Heritage, Conservation, Heritage Conservation, Cultural projects, Heritage projects, Cultural significance, cultural assets
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