Loi du 14 juillet 2023 portant création d’un établissement public nommé « Casino Luxembourg – Forum d’art contemporain »

In response to the growing need for cultural preservation and promotion, a recent legislation has been enacted to establish a public institution dedicated to contemporary art in Luxembourg. This initiative aims to foster artistic creation, experimentation, and cultural exchange on a national and international scale. The newly formed “Casino Luxembourg – Forum d’art contemporain” is mandated to serve as a hub for artistic innovation and dialogue within the visual arts and contemporary creative landscape.

The legislation introduces significant modifications to tax laws and cultural funding mechanisms, signalling a strategic shift towards supporting and showcasing Luxembourg’s artistic heritage. By providing a platform for emerging artists and facilitating the production and dissemination of contemporary artworks, the establishment seeks to elevate the country’s cultural profile. Additionally, the institution is empowered to curate exhibitions, organise educational activities, and engage in cultural mediation to broaden public access to artistic endeavours.

With a focus on promoting artistic excellence and nurturing local talent, the legislation underscores the importance of cultural sustainability and artistic development. By offering resources, financial support, and administrative autonomy to the newly established institution, the government aims to invigorate the cultural landscape and enhance Luxembourg’s standing in the global art community. Through its multifaceted mission encompassing creation, production, and dissemination of contemporary art, the institution is poised to shape the cultural narrative and contribute significantly to the preservation and evolution of Luxembourg’s artistic heritage.

Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility, International Cultural Relations
Gouvernement du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
Culture Preservation, Cultural Heritage Preservation, Preservation, Promoting cultural heritage, Arts, Artistic creations, Cultural exchange, Innovation, Artistic innovation, Cultural Mediation, Local talent, Artistic Heritage
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