Loi du 14 janvier 2000

Exploring the intersection of intellectual property rights and heritage preservation, this legislation delves into the protection of authors’ works and related rights. It emphasises the need for international cooperation to establish uniform rules for safeguarding literary and artistic creations effectively. The document outlines key provisions regarding the rights of performers and producers, highlighting exclusive rights and obligations in the realm of copyright.

Furthermore, the legislation addresses the significance of international agreements in clarifying and adapting copyright laws to evolving economic landscapes. It underscores the importance of upholding the rights of creators while balancing the need for new regulations to address emerging challenges. The document also delves into the administrative aspects, detailing the establishment of an Assembly to oversee the implementation and enforcement of the treaty’s provisions.

Moreover, the legislation touches upon the administrative and final clauses, emphasising the role of the Assembly in facilitating cooperation among contracting parties. It underscores the financial assistance available to developing countries to ensure their active participation in the treaty’s processes. By focusing on the protection of intellectual property rights and the promotion of cultural heritage, this legislation aims to foster a conducive environment for creativity and innovation while preserving the legacy of authors and performers for future generations.

Heritage Preservation, International Cultural Relations
Gouvernement du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
Intellectual Property Rights, Copyright, Copyright Law, Heritage Preservation, Cultural Heritage Preservation, Culture Preservation, Preservation, Cooperation, International Cooperation, Global cooperation, Authors Rights, Creativity
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