Loi du 13 juin 1955 portant approbation de la Convention Universelle sur le Droit d’Auteur, le Protocole annexe 1 concernant la protection des oeuvres des personnes apatrides et des réfugiés, le Protocole annexe 2 concernant l’application de la Convention à des oeuvres publiées par diverses organisations internationales et le Protocole annexe 3 relatif à la ratification, acceptation ou adhésion conditionnelle, signés à Genève, le 6 septembre 1952

This legislation approved the Universal Copyright Convention and its annexes, focusing on protecting the rights of authors and works of stateless persons and refugees. It also addresses the application of the Convention to works published by international organisations and the ratification process. The Convention aims to harmonise copyright laws internationally to ensure adequate protection for creative works across borders.

One key aspect of the legislation is the establishment of minimum protection periods for copyrighted works, ensuring that authors’ rights are safeguarded for a specified duration after their death. It allows for flexibility in certain categories of works, enabling contracting states to tailor protection periods based on specific criteria. Additionally, the legislation emphasises the importance of multilateral cooperation in copyright enforcement and recognition, promoting cultural exchange and respect for intellectual property rights.

Furthermore, the legislation highlights the role of international organisations like UNESCO in facilitating communication and coordination among member states regarding copyright matters. It underscores the significance of mutual recognition and respect for copyright laws to foster creativity and innovation globally. By ratifying this legislation, countries commit to upholding the principles of the Convention and ensuring fair treatment of authors and their works, contributing to the preservation and promotion of cultural heritage on an international scale.

Heritage Preservation, International Cultural Relations
Gouvernement du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
Universal Copyright Convention, Authors Rights, Copyright, Copyright Law, Cooperation, International Cooperation, Cultural exchange, Intellectual Property Rights, Culture Preservation, Heritage Preservation, Preservation, Heritage promotion, Promoting cultural heritage, Cultural Heritage
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