Loi du 13 décembre 2006 portant approbation de la Convention de l’UNESCO sur la protection et la promotion de la diversité des expressions culturelles, faite à Paris, le 9 décembre 2005

This legislation focuses on the protection and promotion of cultural diversity, particularly in the realm of expressions of cultural heritage. It emphasises the importance of safeguarding various forms of cultural expressions within and between societies. Urgent measures can be implemented to preserve and enhance cultural diversity, with Parties required to report on their actions to address cultural expression needs. The Convention highlights the significance of sharing information, transparency, and international cooperation to support cultural diversity.

One of the key aspects of the legislation is the emphasis on education and public awareness regarding the importance of protecting and promoting cultural expressions. Parties are encouraged to collaborate with international organisations to achieve these goals. Additionally, active participation from civil society is crucial in efforts to preserve cultural diversity. The document underscores the need for bilateral, regional, and international cooperation to create an environment conducive to the promotion of cultural expressions.

Furthermore, the legislation allows Parties to adopt measures tailored to their specific circumstances to protect and promote cultural diversity within their territories. These measures can include regulatory actions and opportunities for national cultural activities to thrive alongside global cultural offerings. The Convention aims to create conditions that allow cultures to flourish and interact freely, fostering a rich tapestry of diverse cultural expressions. Overall, this legislation serves as a framework for preserving and celebrating the richness of cultural heritage worldwide.

Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility, International Cultural Relations
Gouvernement du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
UNESCO, Heritage Protection, Protection, Heritage promotion, Promoting cultural heritage, cultural diversity, Cultural Heritage, Cultural expression, Cooperation, International Cooperation, Education, Education and Training, Heritage Education, Civil Society, Community Participation, community involvement, Community engagement
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