Loi du 10 février 2015 portant transposition de la directive 2011/77/UE du Parlement européen et du Conseil du 27 septembre 2011 modifiant la directive 2006/116/CE

This legislation focuses on the transposition of a European Union directive into Luxembourg law regarding copyright protection duration. It introduces amendments that impact various aspects of copyright law, particularly concerning music compositions, film fixations, and artist rights. The law specifies that protection for music compositions with lyrics ends 70 years after the death of the last surviving relevant individual. Additionally, it outlines that film producers’ rights expire 50 years after the first lawful publication.

Furthermore, the amendments address the termination of contracts by artists, ensuring they cannot waive their right to terminate agreements. The law also emphasises the obligation of producers to offer phonograms for sale to maintain their rights. It highlights the importance of providing information for additional compensation to artists involved in phonogram productions. These changes aim to align Luxembourg’s copyright legislation with EU directives and enhance the protection of artists’ rights and creative works.

Overall, this legislation plays a crucial role in modernising and harmonising copyright laws within Luxembourg, reflecting broader EU initiatives. By extending copyright protection durations and reinforcing artists’ rights, the law contributes to preserving cultural heritage and incentivizing creativity in the digital age. Professionals and enthusiasts in the heritage field will find this legislation significant for understanding the evolving landscape of copyright protection and its implications for heritage preservation and artistic expression.

Heritage Preservation, International Cultural Relations
Gouvernement du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
European Union, Copyright, Copyright Law, copyright protection duration, Authors Rights, Cultural Heritage, Heritage Preservation, Preservation, Artists, Artistic Heritage, Artistic expression
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