Leveraging Glocal Ecosystems of Creativity and Cultural Heritage

The overall goal of GLORY is to develop and increase competitiveness of sustainable glocal creativity and cultural heritage ecosystems that will empower innovative use and promotion of creativity and cultural heritage through the concept of commons, ecosystem of value creation and peer-to-peer compatibility currencies learning, deeply grounded on fair collaboration and co-creation contributing to flourishing of culture and creative-social economies. Pilot creativity and cultural heritage ecosystems will co-develop a long-term creativity and cultural heritage GAPs (glocal action plans) and new business models, with local and international components, addressing glocal challenges such as creative brain drain, integration of foreign creatives and creative resilience ecosystems, involving a community with more than 450 stakeholders: city and municipality authorities, associations, SMEs, entrepreneurs, artists, citizens, researchers, practitioners, in 6 pilot and 15 satellite ecosystems.

Green Transition
KU Leuven
Koenraad Van Balen, Bart Van Looy, Lode Godderis, Jermina Stanojev
Sustainability, Sustainable, Environment, Resilience, Cultural Ecosystems, City and Municipality Authorities, City, Cities, Entrepreneurs, SMEs
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