Lei nº 55/2012, de 6 de setembro: Ação do Estado no âmbito do cinema e atividades audiovisuais

This Law – amended by Law no. 28/2014, by Law no. 82-B/2014, and by Law no. 74/2020, which transposes EU Directive 2018/1808 into national law – establishes the principles of state action within the framework of the promotion, development and protection of the art of cinema and cinematographic and audiovisual activities.

The law also addresses financial support for the creation of national cinematographic works and independent audiovisual production and includes information on the obligations of subscription television operators to invest in national cinematographic and audiovisual works. Additionally, the law discusses measures to support the distribution, exhibition, and promotion of cinematographic works in national and international markets, as well as incentives for the exhibition of national and European works in municipal theatres and alternative exhibition circuits.

The law also covers the exemption of the distribution in videogram of works cinematographic nationals produced with state support from the payment of the authentication fee. Furthermore, it addresses the preservation of the national cinematographic and audiovisual heritage, as well as the promotion of access to works for educational and cultural purposes. Article no. 4 of the Law focuses on the conservation and access to heritage and establishes, among other issues, that the state:

– Guarantees the preservation and long-term conservation of works from the Portuguese cinematographic and audiovisual heritage or existing in Portugal.

– Shall promote public access to the works that make up the national cinematographic and audiovisual heritage for the purposes of artistic, historical, scientific and educational research, and ensure the public display and exhibition of cinematographic and audiovisual works that are or will become part of its heritage.

– And promotes the deposit, preservation and restoration of national cinematographic and audiovisual heritage, as well as the most representative international film and audiovisual heritage.

Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility
Portuguese Parliament
Cinema, Audiovisual, Heritage, Conservation, Preservation, Accessibility
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