Lei n.º 27/2021, de 17 de maio: Carta Portuguesa de Direitos Humanos na Era Digital

This law approves the Portuguese Charter on Human Rights in the Digital Age, which outlines the rights and measures to ensure access to digital tools and platforms for the population, particularly for vulnerable citizens. It emphasises the freedom of expression and creation in the digital environment, without censorship, and participation in international efforts to keep cyberspace open.

The document prohibits intentional interruption of internet access and protects against misinformation, with measures for public promotion of digital use. It also addresses the right to data protection, including encryption and protection of personal data, and the right to be informed about and have control over decisions made using algorithms. Additionally, it highlights the right to neutrality of the internet, the right to be forgotten, and rights on digital platforms, as well as access to digital public services.

The Charter also stresses the importance of combating identity theft and promoting secure electronic authentication methods, as well as increasing security and trust in commercial transactions. Furthermore, it prohibits the use of certain information in two-dimensional codes and addresses the protection of intellectual property rights in the digital environment.

Overall, this document aims to ensure that all individuals have equal and secure access to the digital environment, while safeguarding their rights and promoting responsible and safe digital participation.

Digital Transition
Portuguese Parliament
Human Rights, Digital Transition, Sustainability
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