Legge sulla protezione della natura e del paesaggio del Cantone dei Grigioni, LCNP (Law on the Protection of Nature and Landscape of the Canton of Graubünden)

The “Legge sulla protezione della natura e del paesaggio del Cantone dei Grigioni” is a vital legislative document dedicated to the preservation of natural landscapes and cultural heritage in the Canton of Graubünden. This law underscores the region’s dedication to environmental stewardship and the protection of its diverse ecological and cultural landscapes. It sets forth a comprehensive framework to ensure the sustainable management and conservation of natural habitats, scenic areas, and historical sites.

The law delineates specific measures for the protection of various natural environments, including forests, wetlands, and alpine regions. It mandates careful planning and management practices to prevent environmental degradation and promote biodiversity. Additionally, the law highlights the importance of maintaining the aesthetic and recreational value of these landscapes, recognizing their significance for both ecological health and public enjoyment.

A key component of the “Legge sulla protezione della natura e del paesaggio del Cantone dei Grigioni” is its focus on the preservation of cultural heritage. The document acknowledges the deep connection between natural and cultural elements, emphasising that many cultural landmarks are situated within or adjacent to natural settings. Consequently, the law includes provisions to protect historical sites, traditional buildings, and culturally significant landscapes. This ensures that conservation efforts respect and incorporate cultural values, preserving the historical narrative and cultural identity of Graubünden.

Heritage Preservation
Cantone del Grigioni
Il Gran Consiglio del Cantone dei Grigioni
Italian, German
Cultural Heritage, Natural Heritage, Safeguarding, Heritage Conservation, Heritage transmission, Cultural landscape, Environment, Cultural Identity
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