This Italian law outlines the recognition, promotion, and regulation of ecomuseums in the Basilicata region of Italy. Ecomuseums are viewed as a form of shared participation for local governance and sustainable development, emphasizing the involvement of local communities, cultural institutions, and schools in the preservation and promotion of the region’s cultural and environmental heritage. It also establishes the creation of a Regional Ecomuseum Consultation with responsibilities for promoting and implementing the law.
The main themes revolve around the preservation and promotion of cultural and environmental heritage, with a focus on community involvement and sustainable development. It highlights the role of ecomuseums in conserving, interpreting, and managing local heritage, aiming for the sustainable development of the region. Additionally, it’s content outlines the responsibilities of the Regional Ecomuseum Consultation, emphasizing its role in promoting and implementing the law related to ecomuseums.
Professionals and enthusiasts in the field of European Heritage will find valuable insights into the recognition and promotion of ecomuseums, as well as the involvement of local communities in heritage preservation. The document provides a comprehensive overview of the principles and objectives of ecomuseums, offering practical guidance for those interested in sustainable cultural and environmental development.
Overall, this law regulates the establishment of ecomuseums in the Basilicata region, shedding light on the collaborative efforts to preserve and promote the rich cultural and environmental heritage of the area.