Lege Nr. LP880/1992 din 22.01.1992 privind Fondul Arhivistic al Republicii Moldova (Law No. LP880/1992 of 22.01.1992 on the Archival Fund of the Republic of Moldova)

The law contains important provisions on the preservation, management, and use of archival records. Also, it sets restrictions on the use of specific types of documents in the archive’s collection, such as commercial secrets and citizen’s rights and interests, for up to 100 years after their creation.

The law governs the management of the national archival heritage, including the formation and use of state-owned archives. It outlines clear provisions for the collection, organization, and preservation of documentation constituting the national archives, as well as the supervision and administration of the historical heritage by a specifically designated body. The new law provides guidelines on document custody arrangements, storage, access, and management of archives by State institutions.

Additionally, it stipulates the rules and regulations for the depositing, management, transfer, loan, and use of public archives. It also establishes the responsibilities of the State Archival Board and the General State Archival Office in ensuring the archives’ accessibility and security. Moreover, the new regulations address specifics of the various stages of the archival process, such as temporary storage, permanent storage, and declassification of documents to facilitate and ensure transparency and enforceable rights.

The law certainly has a significant impact on Moldova’s archival heritage, boosting collaboration between government agencies and safeguarding records of national importance, ensuring that they continue to be maintained and preserved for future generations. By simplifying the procedure of record preservation, the law will aid in securing more accurate and complete historical documentation, government transparency, and facilitate researchers’ access to a broader range of data. Overall, the law underscores Moldova’s commitment to building and maintaining robust archival systems aligned with international best practices that protect and create access to the nation’s cultural heritage.

Heritage Preservation
Government of the Republic of Moldova
Archives, Documentation, Official documents, Transparency, Accessibility, Digital Archives
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