Lege Nr. LP58/2012 din 29.03.2012 privind protejarea patrimoniului cultural imaterial

This law establishes a legal framework to identify, document, research, preserve, transmit, and promote the intangible cultural heritage of the Republic of Moldova. The purpose of the law is to safeguard intangible cultural heritage against the threats of globalisation, modernization, and cultural homogenization.

The law comprises several sections that define the scope of intangible cultural heritage and enumerate the responsibilities of various stakeholders in preserving it. The law enjoins individuals, communities, and institutions to undertake inventory, documentation, and research of intangible cultural heritage, using both traditional and modern methods.

The law stipulates that all projects related to the implementation of intangible cultural heritage must undergo evaluation by the Ministry of Culture to assess their impact on intangible heritage. The law also identifies a range of disciplinary actions that will be taken against violators of its provisions.

The law further empowers cultural institutions, research centres, and educational institutions to promote the preservation and transmission of intangible cultural heritage. It also provides for the creation of archives, databases, collections, and other resources that will aid the study and documentation of intangible cultural heritage.

Overall, this law constitutes a significant step towards safeguarding intangible cultural heritage in the Republic of Moldova. It highlights the importance of preserving the cultural identity of communities in the face of rapid global changes that threaten to erode intangible heritage.

By promulgating this law, the Republic of Moldova has shown its commitment to the promotion of cultural diversity, social cohesion, and sustainable development. This law will be of great interest to professionals and enthusiasts in the field of heritage who seek to promote the preservation of intangible cultural heritage.

Heritage Preservation
Government of the Republic of Moldova
Intangible Cultural Heritage, Safeguarding, Cultural Heritage Preservation, Inventory, Documentation, Sustainable Development
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