Lege Nr. LP1350/2000 din 02.11.2000 cu privire la activitatea arhitecturală

This legal text provides regulations for the architectural design process in Moldova. It outlines the obligations of architects, investors, contractors, and owners with regards to the construction and modification of architectural structures. The document contains a total of seven pages and is divided into four chapters covering topics such as the protection of trade secrets, the modification of architectural solutions, and intellectual property rights related to architectural works.

The first chapter deals with the protection of trade secrets and states that architects have a legal obligation to keep the commercial secrets of their beneficiaries. The second chapter focuses on the modification of architectural solutions and provides detailed rules and procedures for effects such modifications. In particular, it describes the conditions under which an architect can modify the architectural solutions and the consequences if the modifications are performed without the appropriate authorization.

The third chapter is devoted to the modification of architectural structures and outlines the principles governing interventions on existing structures that lead to changes in their architectural solutions. It also discusses building in the areas surrounding monuments, the protection of cultural heritage, and the required authorizations for modifications made to national monuments.

The last chapter covers intellectual property rights related to architectural works. It describes the various rights related to the creation, ownership, and use of architectural works and provides guidelines for protecting those rights.

This document has a significant impact on the field of Heritage in Moldova since it establishes legal norms for the architectural design process. Its regulations seek to balance the interests of all stakeholders involved in the construction and modification of architectural structures, with a particular emphasis on preserving Romania’s cultural heritage. This document can be a valuable resource for anyone involved in the architectural design process, including architects, investors, contractors, and owners, as well as professionals and enthusiasts in the field of Heritage.

Heritage Preservation
Government of the Republic of Moldova
Architectural Heritage, Design, Data Protection, Intellectual Property Rights, cultural heritage protection
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