The Georgian Law on Cultural Heritage is an informative source about Georgia’s cultural properties, this document covers the legal requirements and recommendations for protecting and maintaining these properties. The cultural properties’ visual and physical security perimeter is a significant point in the documentation, from determining the appropriate radius for cultural properties to identifying what activities are permitted within these perimeters. Moreover, the Law expands on various regulations and exemptions surrounding small-scale architectural structures and minor modifications to existing buildings that do not pose a threat to the cultural property’s structure or visual appeal.
An essential aspect that stands out in this document is the historical and architectural research and its impacts on future construction projects. It states that the conclusive part of the research must include recommendations derived from the results regarding spatial planning and compositional design solutions for construction projects within cultural properties’ visual security perimeter. Another salient point that the document covers is the specific prohibitions on activities that may damage or obstruct the culturally significant sites and specifying that only appropriate plant species that do not cause harm can be planted.
The primary objective of this informative document is to lay out the necessary steps and regulations that Georgian authorities have put in place for ensuring the protection and sustainable maintenance of cultural properties. It is an essential document for professionals and enthusiasts in the field of European Heritage who want to comprehend the legal frameworks and requirements in Georgia.
#4708 კანონი კულტურული მემკვიდრეობის შესახებ from 08/05/2007