Las manifestaciones representativas del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial en el marco de la Ley de Salvaguardia del PCI 0/2015 – valores y motivos de su declaración

This article explores the representations of Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH), delving into their cultural significance and the mechanisms for their safeguarding. Firstly, it examines the cultural values inherent in these demonstrations, highlighting their significance both on an individual level and within the broader community.
Secondly, it analyses the newly introduced declaration figure outlined in Law 10/2015, elucidating the criteria and procedures necessary for its designation. The article then delves into the objectives of the National Plan for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage, exploring its impact on these manifestations.

Finally, the article presents three recently declared manifestations: the Esparto Culture, the Manual Ringing of Bells, and Blown Glass in Spain. Each manifestation is considered representative of ICH due to its historical, cultural, and social importance. The Esparto Culture, emblematic of Spanish identity, requires protection amidst the threat of globalization. The Manual Ringing of Bells, integral to community cohesion, faces challenges such as insufficient documentation and vandalism, despite receiving institutional support. Similarly, Blown Glass, with its rich tradition, confronts threats from industrial competition and waning interest among younger generations. Nevertheless, efforts are underway to secure its inclusion in UNESCO’s Intangible Cultural Heritage lists.

In summary, the designation of these manifestations as Representative ICH offers a framework for their protection, promotion, and transmission, ensuring their continuity and preservation for future generations.

Heritage Preservation
University of Valladolid
María Pía Timón Tiemblo
Intangible Cultural Heritage, Heritage Preservation, Policies, Cultural Manifestation, Representative Expression
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