Kulturstrategi för Stockholmsregionen (Cultural strategy for the Stockholm region)

The Stockholm Region’s Cultural Strategy focuses on enhancing cultural experiences, promoting democratic values, and supporting regional growth. Its four main objectives are increasing accessibility to culture, fostering artistic development, leveraging digital opportunities, and integrating cultural assets into urban planning.

Heritage is integrated into urban development, ensuring that cultural and historical sites contribute to the region’s growth and attractiveness. The strategy promotes collaboration to preserve and reinterpret heritage in contemporary contexts, emphasizing its educational and inspirational potential. These efforts align with broader sustainability goals and aim to make heritage accessible and meaningful to diverse populations.

By linking with the RUFS 2050 vision of making Stockholm Europe’s most attractive metropolitan region, the strategy highlights culture’s role in social inclusion, resilience, and sustainability.

Collaboration among public, private, and civic stakeholders is emphasized to ensure robust cultural participation and innovation.

Digital Transition, Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility
Stockholm Country Council
Sweden, Sweden
Regional policies, Cultural Policy
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