Kulturpolitisches Konzept

The “Cultural Policy Concept” is the Westphalia-Lippe Regional Association’s (Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe, or LWL) response to the major challenges of the coming years. This initiative aims to contribute to the sustainable cultural development of Westphalia-Lippe in both national and international contexts. The concept considers not only the LWL museums but also all LWL cultural institutions, including cultural services and scientific commissions.

The concept also takes an internal perspective, addressing new challenges for employees, particularly those arising from the digital transformation. It also considers employee needs, such as the desire for mobile working options. The result is a critical and realistic analysis of the current situation, coupled with an assessment of future opportunities and risks. Furthermore, it includes the development of strategies to ensure that the cultural services and institutions of the LWL can keep pace with the challenges of the coming years.

The cultural policy objectives were defined in ten key points: 1) Preserve, shape, and communicate cultural heritage in all its diversity; 2) Enable everyone in Westphalia-Lippe to participate in culture; 3) Inspire children and young people to engage with cultural life, offering them opportunities for creativity and enabling them to experience success; 4) Expand cultural education and develop new forms and formats; 5) Strengthen and further develop the equalising function of services and support for cultural life in municipalities; 6) Act as a spokesperson for culture in Westphalia-Lippe and improve the visibility of the cultural landscape; 7) Sustainably support the development of cultural quality of life in rural regions; 8) Digitally secure, develop, communicate, and network culture in Westphalia-Lippe; 9) Promote and expand networks and cooperation—regionally, nationally, and internationally; and 10) Create space for new ideas.

The resulting actions will be implemented – following consultation with politicians – to support the sustainable development of culture in Westphalia-Lippe.

Heritage Preservation
Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe – LWL-Kulturabteilung
cultural heritage management, Inventory, Regional policies, Culture Preservation
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