Kulturpolitische Leitlinien zum Umgang mit dem Kolonialen Erbe

This guidelines are structured around ten key points to outline a cultural policy for addressing the colonial legacy in Bremen. It focuses on cooperation, awareness, inclusion, and education to facilitate a holistic approach to dealing with the remnants of colonialism.

The policy emphasises the importance of collaboration with communities from formerly colonised countries. Museums, theatres, and cultural centres are encouraged to work closely with these communities to ensure diverse perspectives and promote mutual learning. This cooperation extends to international cultural exchanges and artist-in-residence programmes.

Raising awareness about everyday racism and dismantling structural racism is a key focus. The guideline highlights the need for intercultural training, language sensitivity, and recognising the skills of minority individuals in cultural institutions. Engaging those affected by racism in shaping policies and practices is crucial for meaningful change.

Networking within the cultural scene is another major theme. Regular meetings and information sharing between cultural institutions, communities, and solidarity initiatives are proposed to enhance cooperation and ensure a consistent approach to addressing colonial history.

Overall, these guidelines promote a multifaceted approach to addressing colonial heritage, combining research, education, and active collaboration with affected communities to support ongoing dialogue on cultural diversity and equity.

Heritage Preservation, International Cultural Relations
Freie Hansestadt Bremen
Germany, Germany
Colonialism, Dissonant heritage, International Cooperation, Regional policies
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