
This legislation aims to establish the responsibility of public authorities to promote and facilitate a wide range of cultural activities, ensuring that everyone can participate in cultural activities, experience diverse cultural expressions and foster cultural heritage. The law emphasises the importance of preserving and promoting cultural diversity. It recognizes the value of cultural heritage as part of public wealth and as a basis for development, identity, creativity, and innovation.

The legislation extends the management of cultural heritage to every level of authority, from local and regional to national and international. The legislation provides a framework for protecting and promoting cultural heritage in a sustainable manner. It promotes the cooperation of various stakeholders, including public institutions, cultural associations, and communities, towards this common goal. The legislation seeks to ensure that cultural heritage is accessible to everyone, regardless of their social, cultural, or economic framework.

This legislation recognises the fundamental role of cultural heritage in shaping and enriching societies. It provides a legal foundation for the promotion, protection, and preservation of diverse cultural expressions and heritage. The law serves to strengthen the focus on cultural heritage and the need for a coordinated effort of preservation, conservation, management, and presentation across local, regional, national, and international levels of authority.

Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility, International Cultural Relations
Norwegian Ministry of Culture and Equality
Responsibilities, Public bodies, Cultural Activity, Cultural Promotion, Heritage promotion, Promoting cultural heritage, Culture Preservation, Cultural Heritage Preservation, Heritage Preservation, Preservation, Cultural expression, Cultural Heritage, Public participation, Public Engagement, Diversity, cultural diversity, Cultural values, Heritage Management, Management, Local Heritage, Regional, National, International, International Cooperation, Cooperation, Heritage Protection, Stakeholders, Stakeholder Engagement, Community, Community engagement, Community Participation, community involvement
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