Koncepce památkové péče v České republice na léta 2024–2028

The document is divided into three parts. The first part analyzes the achievements of the past strategic period 2017–2023. The second part of the document contains a SWOT analysis and summarizes the strong sides, weak sides, threats and opportunities that heritage conservation in the Czech Republic currently faces. The largest part of the documents concentrates on planning the development of heritage conservation in the country for the following five years.
There are several, logically structured topics covered by the strategy. Firstly, it gives an overview of past legislative changes and stresses the need of harmonization of all other legislative instruments with the novelized Act on State Landmark Conservation. Another topic covers research concerning the history and specifics of the protected heritage sites and the most effective ways of their conservation. Attention will be paid to more precise definition and scope of protected sites and areas or financing heritage conservation of state as well as privately owned protected buildings. The Ministry of Culture also plans to develop the international cooperation. Dealing with climatic change and sustainable development is another important issue. The National Heritage Institute is a specialized state agency leading the whole agenda in the country. Its methodological role is highlighted in the document and so is the work of the Heritage Inspection. The last topic developed in the strategy is volunteering, an important feature of contemporary civil society.

Heritage Preservation
Ministry of Culture, Czechia
Heritage Protection
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