This publication serves as a comprehensive assessment of the implementation of the European agenda for culture and the EU strategy for international cultural relations. It meticulously evaluates the achievements and shortcomings of EU cultural policies, providing invaluable insights to inform and guide policymakers. Through case studies and practical insights, readers are offered a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities in sustaining and safeguarding Europe’s rich tangible and intangible heritage for generations to come.
With a forward-looking perspective, the document not only scrutinises the current landscape but also lays out strategic recommendations to tackle contemporary challenges and shape the trajectory of European heritage. Emphasising the importance of forward-thinking, it identifies key areas for future focus, including the exploration of the intricate relationship between culture and sustainability, addressing the status and well-being of cultural professionals, fostering social cohesion, and strengthening international cultural relations. Recommendations also highlight the need for leveraging digital technologies and promoting cultural exchange, as well as for greater attention to recovery and mental health post-pandemic.
Authored by the Ex-post Evaluation Unit of the Directorate-General for Parliamentary Research Services, this document takes the form of a European Implementation Assessment (EIA). It aligns with the Commission’s plan to evaluate culture policy, including the European agenda for culture, starting January 2023.