Hotărâre Nr. 392 din 05-06-2024 pentru aprobarea Regulamentului cu privire la modul de calcul, repartizare, utilizare și evidență a transferurilor cu destinație specială pentru susținerea tinerilor specialiști din domeniul culturii

The law described in this text aims to support young specialists in the cultural field in the Republic of Moldova. It outlines the requirements for obtaining and distributing compensation to young professionals who meet the specified criteria.

The law establishes a set of documents that must be presented by the leader of the institution in which the young specialist is active. These documents include a legalised copy of the graduate diploma or supplementary studies obtained abroad, confirmation of the specialist’s bank account number for transfer of the compensation, and a copy of the specialist’s identity card. Subdivisions responsible for culture and finance examine these documents to verify their authenticity, and issue an order for the transfer of the compensation to the specialist’s bank account.

The law requires reporting and monitoring on the use and disbursement of the special funds allocated for the support of young cultural professionals in the Republic of Moldova. The accounting of payments necessary to support specialists is provided by the subdivisions responsible for culture and finance to the regional treasuries of the Ministry of Finance.

In addition, the law establishes a commission for distribution of young professionals in the field of culture and states the responsibilities of different administrative and territorial units involved in this process. The Ministry of Culture publishes invitations for applications from candidates on its official website to initiate the process of distribution.

This law has a significant impact on the heritage sector by giving young cultural professionals the support they need to continue contributing to the growth and development of this important sector. It also ensures transparency in the distribution of allocated funds, which can increase the accountability of institutions and contribute to the development of a more efficient and sustainable heritage sector.

Government of the Republic of Moldova
Youth, Funding, Sustainability, young professionals, Mobility Assistance
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