Heritage is Ours: Citizens Participating in Decision Making

This publication showcases inspiring practices and cases related to heritage participation. In these examples, citizens have succeeded in having a lasting influence on decision-making processes that affect cultural heritage.

Heritage is Ours can be seen as a dialogue between European heritage activists and specialists. The articles address questions such as: How can citizens influence decision-making in a smart way? When is the right time to listen to people and how should this be done? Who should get involved? How should the identities and assets connected with a particular place be identified? Can conflicts involving heritage be avoided?

This publication is based on the presentations given at the Forum Sharing Heritage – Citizens Participating in Decision Making, organised as part of the European Heritage Congress, in Turku in May 2017. It includes a compilation of articles written by the different speakers that took part in the forum, covering a wide range of regions and topics.

The document includes the Turku Manifesto 2017, presented at the European Heritage Congress, offering an exciting glimpse into the future of cultural heritage preservation, with an emphasis on empowering citizens and encouraging participation.

Heritage is Ours conveys a powerful call to action, urging all stakeholders to prioritise cultural heritage by increasing awareness of its social and economic importance. The document is highly relevant for heritage professionals, cultural enthusiasts, and anyone who wants to participate in preserving the cultural heritage of Europe.

Heritage Preservation, International Cultural Relations
Europa Nostra Finland
Anna-Maija Halme, Tapani Mustonen, Jussi-Pekka Taavitsainen, Suzie Thomas, Astrid Weij, Markku Markkula, Maunu Häyrynen, Visnja Kisic ́, Costa Carras, Kirsti Kovanen, Maarit Kahila-Tani, Marketta Kyttä, Pilvi Nummi, Matti Hakamäki:, Philip Geoghegan, Peter Collins, Anita Vaivade, Mylène Bidault, Erik Vind, Tuija-Liisa Soininen, Christian Sannemann, Erik Schultz, Elena Olshanskaya, Marjatta Sihvonen, Karel Loeff, Peep Pillak, Helen Graham, Lianne Brigham, Richard Brigham
Citizen Engagement, Citizen Participation, Heritage Preservation, Conservation, Heritage Conservation, Democracy, Participatory Governance, Community
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