Heritage for inclusive growth

This analysis delves into the intricate relationship between heritage and inclusive growth, focusing on the UK-based case studies to draw reflections and insights applicable internationally. It explores how heritage assets can be leveraged to foster economic, social, and environmental change, promoting equitable development in local communities. The report emphasizes the importance of understanding the multifaceted nature of heritage, encompassing tangible and intangible forms inherited from the past.

One key aspect highlighted is the role of heritage in shaping local identities and fostering a sense of belonging, particularly in the face of increasing polarization and challenges related to narratives around place and heritage. The document underscores the potential of heritage to contribute to social, economic, and cultural well-being, nurturing pride and continuity in communities. It also discusses the economic benefits of heritage, such as tourism and property value increases in historically rich areas.

Furthermore, the report delves into the concept of heritage as a collective asset for driving inclusive growth and sustainable development. It advocates for a more inclusive narrative that embraces diverse heritages and voices within communities. The document also touches upon the need for proactive measures to safeguard heritage assets at risk and ensure their preservation for future generations. Overall, it presents a comprehensive exploration of how heritage can be harnessed to promote inclusive growth and address societal challenges, offering valuable insights for policymakers and practitioners in the field of European heritage.

Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility
British Council, RSA
Becca Antink, Ed Cox, Jamie Cooke, Stephen Stenning, Nicki Locke
United Kingdom
Case Study, inclusive growth, equitable development, local community, Tangible Cultural Heritage, Tourism, Well-being, Sustainable Development, inclusive narrative, Safeguarding, cultural diversity, Intangible Cultural Heritage, Identity
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