Heritage and Development

This book is an effect of the 6th Heritage Forum of Central Europe, which took place in 2021. The conference discussed the mutual relationship between cultural heritage and the broad topic of advancement. Participants also brought up the topic of climate change’s effects on monuments and the problem of over-exploitation of heritage due to tourism growth.

Special attention is brought to the essays of Melinda Harlov-Csortán, Aleksander Zlatanov, joint paper of Vladan Djokić, Milic P. Milojević, Aleksandra D. Ɖorđević, Aleksandra Milanović, Mladen Pešić, and also essays of Paolo Del Bianco and Ewa Chojecka. They discuss social integration, city renewal, climate disaster, and adaptation. Researchers also study the significance of heritage to sustained development and civic empowerment.

The Heritage Forum of Central Europe coincided with the 30th anniversary of the Visegrad Group. It also happened amidst the coronavirus pandemic, which forced and facilitated multifaceted reevaluation of deliberations. In social science, ever-growing interest has the concept of post-growth. To what extent can cultural heritage become the catalyst of development, perceived in brand-new categories and associated with new values? – those are the main questions of the 6th Forum.

Green Transition, Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility, International Cultural Relations
International Cultural Centre in Krakow
Agata Wąsowska-Pawlik, Jacek Purchla
Development, Cultural Development, Economic Development, Regional Development, Over-tourism, Heritage Preservation, Climate Change, Civic engagement, Post-Growth, Cultural Heritage Forum, Cultural Heritage
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