Guidelines for sustainable adaptive reuse for cultural heritage

This resource offers a comprehensive approach to sustainable adaptive reuse within historic urban centres. Emphasising the circular urban system concept, it positions cultural heritage at the core of sustainable development, advocating for its integration into economic, environmental, and social realms.

The guidelines cater to a diverse audience, aiming to both inform the ROCK project community and engage a broader spectrum of stakeholders. By showcasing successful implementations from ROCK cities, these guidelines offer valuable examples and key takeaways, facilitating the replication of adaptive reuse projects.

Central to its approach is the recognition of cultural identity’s pivotal role, in fostering innovation, environmental stewardship, and social cohesion. Through a series of outlined steps, cities are guided in understanding their unique contexts and potential roles as models for one another.

Acknowledging the necessity for contextual interpretation, the guidelines stress the likelihood of variations in approach across different locales. Case studies and tables underscore how adaptive reuse initiatives are undertaken by both role model and replicator cities within the ROCK Project, serving as living examples for ongoing learning and improvement.

Together with other deliverables from the ROCK project, these guidelines aim to contribute to an integrated methodology for cultural heritage-led sustainable growth within the ROCK community, fostering a dynamic and collaborative approach towards urban regeneration.

Green Transition, Heritage Preservation
Eurocities, ROCK Project, HORIZON, Eindhoven University of Technology
Cécile Houpert, Gamze Dane, Soheil Derakhshan
Adaptive Reuse, Sustainability, Historic Cities, Social Cohesion, Replicability, Regeneration, Methodology
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