Guidelines for more accessible venues to d/Deaf audiences

This document was developed within the scope of the All Areas Access project and provides guidelines for enhancing accessibility for d/Deaf individuals in the context of live music events. It highlights the importance of understanding the needs and experiences of d/Deaf people attending concerts. Two trial concerts were conducted to implement innovative measures identified as beneficial for improving the concert experience for d/Deaf individuals. Feedback collected from face-to-face interviews after the test concerts emphasized the significance of providing accessibility services such as Sign Language, subtitles, and other aids to enhance understanding and enjoyment of the music.

All Areas Access developed communication strategies tailored to meet the needs of d/Deaf individuals, namely video and graphic promotional tools with clear layouts and subtitles. The project emphasized the social aspect of live music experiences and the importance of inclusivity for d/Deaf individuals. Measures such as creating illuminated areas for better visibility and providing basic training to staff to interact smoothly with d/Deaf audiences were implemented to enhance accessibility during concerts.

The project also involved collaboration with young Deaf professionals and activists to create promotional videos in Sign Language. Additionally, a survey was conducted with 200 d/Deaf individuals to gather feedback on their concert experiences and suggestions for improving accessibility. The document encourages venues, promoters, bands, and artists to take action in making their events more accessible and provides resources for creating inclusive and accessible environments for d/Deaf individuals. Overall, the project aims to raise awareness and promote inclusivity in the live music industry for individuals with hearing impairments.

Inclusion & Accessibility
All Areas Access
Music, Inclusion, Accessibility, Deafness
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