Grundsteuergesetz vom 7. August 1973 (BGBl. I S. 965), das zuletzt durch Artikel 21 des Gesetzes vom 16. Dezember 2022 (BGBl. I S. 2294) geändert worden ist (Property Tax Act)

The Ground Rent Tax Act (GrStG) of 1973, amended most recently in 2022, regulates the taxation of property in Germany. This legislation aims to establish a fair and consistent framework for property tax assessment and collection, ensuring that property owners contribute to local public services based on the value of their real estate holdings. By defining the procedures for property valuation, tax rates, and exemptions, the Act provides a structured approach to property taxation that supports municipal funding and public infrastructure.

The primary purpose of the Ground Rent Tax Act is to generate revenue for municipalities through the taxation of land and buildings. This revenue is essential for financing local services such as schools, roads, public transportation, and other community needs. The Act specifies how properties are to be assessed for tax purposes, including the methods for determining the taxable value of different types of real estate, from residential and commercial properties to agricultural land.

One significant impact of the Ground Rent Tax Act on heritage is its influence on the maintenance and preservation of historical properties. By allowing for tax exemptions or reductions for properties of cultural or historical significance, the Act incentivizes owners to preserve and maintain heritage sites. This helps ensure that important historical and cultural landmarks are protected and can continue to contribute to the community’s identity and historical continuity.

Additionally, the revenue generated through property taxes under the Act can be allocated towards the conservation of public heritage sites. Municipalities can use these funds to support the upkeep and restoration of historical buildings, monuments, and other culturally significant properties, enhancing the overall quality of life and cultural richness of the community.

Heritage Preservation
Bundesministerium der Justiz
Taxation, Public services, Tax Collection, Tax Exemptions, Public Expenditures, Cultural Property, Public Heritage
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