“Heritage for the Future” Cultural Association (www.patrimoniu-viitor.ro) launched a heritage guide dedicated to students (grades VII – XII), named ‘My Heritage Guide’ – “Ghidul meu de Patrimoniu” in Romanian. This publication is aimed at preparing young people to discover cultural heritage and to help them accurately convey their impressions when trying to promote, document or raise awareness around it.
The guide is structured in seven chapters, each of which ends with time for reflection and a few exercises: “I. Introduction: Why a guide about heritage?,” “II. History and heritage,” “III. What is heritage?,” “IV. How many types of heritage are there?,” “V. Where do we find heritage?,” “VI. How do I tell others how I see heritage?,” “VII. How do I show others how I see heritage?”
The authors and contributors consider this a tool to complement classes at school, as well as an example of non-formal education. The project was carried out by the “Heritage for the Future” Cultural Association in partnership with www.didactic.ro & www.asociatiadadece.ro.
Through engaging narratives and insights from various experts, the guide offers a multidisciplinary approach to appreciating and safeguarding European heritage. It encourages individuals to actively participate in heritage conservation efforts and to share their experiences with others.