Gesetz vom 5. Mai 2010 über die Förderung der Kultur in Tirol (Tiroler Kulturförderungsgesetz 2010) (Cultural Promotion Act of Tyrol)

The “Tiroler Kulturförderungsgesetz 2010” is the law governing cultural promotion in Tyrol. The goals are listed on paragraph 1 (Abschnitt 1). They entail the the promotion of projects and activities that are in the interests of the province, the promotion of contemporary art and new cultural and artistic developments, the preservation and development of cultural heritage, the promotion of the population’s general access to cultural events and facilities, the support of the personal development and personal fulfilment of the individual through cultural activities. For all these purposes, the Land of Tyrol provides funding opportunities.
In doing so, the Land also adopts principles to be respected for its right implementation, these are the principles of economy, efficiency and expediency and coordination with other regional authorities.
On a general level, the Tiroler Kulturförderungsgesetz aims at supporting and developing the region’s cultural landscape, focusing on the preservation and creation of cultural heritage, the promotion of contemporary arts, and ensuring public access to cultural activities. The law outlines the principles, areas of cultural support, eligibility criteria, and the types of support available, such as grants, awards, and organisational assistance. It also establishes cultural advisory councils to guide the government’s cultural policies and initiatives.

Heritage Preservation
Rechtsinformationssystem des Bundes
Cultural Heritage Preservation, Accessibility, Guiding Principles, Cooperation, Cultural life, Individual development
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