Gesetz über Denkmalpflege, Archäologie und Kulturgüterschutz (Denkmalschutzgesetz, DMSG) (Law on the preservation of monuments, archaeology and the protection of cultural assets)

The “Gesetz über Denkmalpflege, Archäologie und Kulturgüterschutz” (Law on Monument Preservation, Archaeology, and Protection of Cultural Property) from the Canton of Zug, Switzerland, outlines the legal framework for the protection and preservation of cultural heritage. Its primary aim is to safeguard historical monuments, archaeological sites, and cultural assets for future generations.

This law mandates that any interventions on protected monuments or sites require prior authorization. It establishes the responsibilities of property owners and the authorities, ensuring that preservation considerations are integrated into planning and development processes. The law also includes provisions for financial support and tax incentives for conservation efforts.
A key point of the legislation is its focus on preventive measures, promoting regular maintenance and proper use of heritage sites to avoid deterioration. It also emphasises public awareness and education, encouraging community involvement in heritage protection.

The impact of this law on cultural heritage is substantial. By providing a structured approach to preservation, it ensures that cultural assets are maintained and protected against modern threats such as urbanisation and climate change. This legislation not only preserves the aesthetic and historical value of monuments and sites but also reinforces cultural identity and continuity for the Canton of Zug.

Heritage Preservation
Kanton Zug
Der Kantonsrat des Kantons Zug
Cultural Heritage Preservation, Historical Buildings, Archaeology, Heritage transmission, Conservation, Development, Integration, Tax incentives, Public Engagement, Education, Urbanisation, Climate Change
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