Gesetz über den Schutz und die Erforschung von archäologischen Stätten und Objekten (Archäologiegesetz, ArchG) (Act on the protection and exploration of archaeological sites and objects)

The “Gesetz über den Schutz und die Erforschung von archäologischen Stätten und Objekten” of the Canton Basel-Landschaft is a critical legislative document aimed at protecting and researching archaeological sites and artefacts. Its primary objective is to ensure the preservation of archaeological heritage while facilitating scientific exploration and public education. This law defines the responsibilities of various authorities, individuals, and organisations in the discovery, excavation, and conservation of archaeological resources.

A major theme of the document is the protection of archaeological sites from unauthorised excavations and damage. It outlines strict regulations and permits required for any excavation activities, ensuring that all archaeological work is conducted by qualified professionals and under appropriate conditions. The law also mandates the reporting of any accidental discoveries of archaeological significance, thereby safeguarding these findings for proper examination and preservation.

The law places significant emphasis on the research and documentation of archaeological sites and objects. It supports systematic scientific investigations and encourages collaboration between academic institutions, museums, and governmental bodies. The findings from these research activities are to be made accessible to the public, promoting awareness and appreciation of the region’s archaeological heritage.

Additionally, the law highlights the importance of integrating archaeological heritage into cultural and educational initiatives. By doing so, it ensures that the public remains informed about the historical and cultural significance of archaeological sites and artefacts, fostering a deeper connection with the region’s past.

Heritage Preservation
Basel Landschaft
Der Landrat des Kantons Basel-Landschaft
Archaeology, Research, Excavations, Protection, Collaboration, Accessibility, Education, Cultural Identity
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